NOTICE: This is the website for the 20th Maccabiah (2017). Click here for the latest Maccabiah website.

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Service Legal Agreement

  Service Legal Agreement

Amir Peled

Chairman's message...
  Service Legal Agreement

Uriel Menachem

HQ Director

Maccabiah 2017 Charter of Service

Shalom! Welcome to Israel and the Maccabiah!

We proudly present our Pledge of Service to make your Maccabiah experience in Israel happy, exciting and unforgettable!

One of the world's largest sports events, and the world's largest international Jewish and Zionist event, Maccabiah 2017 stages Tournaments in 40 Types of Sport at the best facilities in Israel, and hosts Athletes and Visitors in top quality hotels offering a wide range of services. We provide an efficient Transit system to/from all Activities, grand Ceremonies and Events, our Educational & Cultural Program, Tours around Israel and visits to IDF Bases.

This document defines services we undertake to provide; we trust it will assist and smooth your Maccabiah 2017 stay to Israel. Since the first Maccabiah in 1932, this array of services beyond the sporting element makes our Games and Maccabiah tradition uniquely different, an enduringly successful enterprise in strengthening the global commonwealth of the Jewish People, Zion and Jerusalem.

1.     GENERAL

a.    Official Dates: July 4-18, 2017.  Some Maccabiah services are available earlier by prior arrangement for Delegation Pre-Camps and other pre-Games programs.

b.    Athletes compete in 4 Divisions: Open, Juniors, Masters, and Paralympic. Sports Training and Competition, Hosting, Transit, Culture and Leisure activities – Services we provide, tailored to fit the unique requirements of each Division.

c.    Each Head of Delegation or Official Representative must arrange payment for the Delegation they lead before our Games begin; if this condition is not met, ID Tags will not be issued to their Athletes – and the ID Tag is the key to Maccabiah Services.


The MaccStar System is updated for 2017, used for all facets of the Games from Registration through real time administration. After Initial Delegation Registration in MaccStar, Officials can update participants' details. Our Registration Unit coordinates and processes all data; Heads of Delegation should contact the Unit for queries, clarifications, updates and problem-solving. MaccStar Registration inputs include: Details of all participants, arrival/departure flight details, sports, hotel room and transit Assignments.

Hassle-free management of the Games and your participants' hassle-free Maccabiah experience depends on accuracy of detail that you provide. Please give precise user details and forward them a.s.a.p. to Registration Unit. Don't forget: Relevant info about allergies, special diets & other requirements. Registration Unit Office at Kfar Maccabiah will be open to manage your Delegation Admission Process to Final Milestone: Handover of those all-important Maccabiah 2017 ID Tags.

3.    WWW.MACCABIAH.COM Extensive useful info: Sports details for your athletes (types of sport, behavior code, etc.), info about Delegations, Visitors to Israel info, Maccabiah History & Tradition. In due course, website will display the Games Program in final format after the Registration Process concludes. During the Games: Sports Results & Stats directly reported in real time – Live Score Updates! Participants & Fans can access updates, tips and more on MACCABIAH FACEBOOK

4.    MOBILE APP for Participants and general Public, real time updates about competitions, venues, results, lots more – up to 3 push notices daily about main activities – and Navigation systems directing you to Sports, Hotels, and Events.

5.    PRE-CAMPS and ISRAEL CONNECT Programs: Delegations are responsible for their own Pre-Camps and Israel Connect Programs. Like Maccabiah 2017: All Pre-Camps coordinated & operated on Maccabiah Security, Safety & Medical directives. Maccabiah SSMS Dept. inspects business operating licenses of Pre-Camp hotels, transit, security, leisure sites and sports arenas, etc. While not obliged to do so, All Delegations arriving for Pre-Camps in Israel in the week before the Maccabiah can pre-arrange and pay for further Maccabiah services.

6.    INSURANCE In accordance with Israeli Law, all participants in the Maccabiah framework – Athletes, Officials, Delegation Officials from Diaspora & Israel – have Medical Insurance cover over the period of Pre-Camps and the Games. It covers sports accidents & injuries, including travel to/from competition. Participants are also covered for Health Insurance accessing treatment in Clinics and Hospitals, even medical flights home; further details available from Heads of Delegation.

7.   SECURITY arrangements are coordinated with Israel Police, Fire & Rescue, and other Emergency Services. Real time Intelligence information further strengthens our security system, and hundreds of experienced professional personnel of several Maccabiah-contracted Security Companies. Every Hotel is guarded 24/7; every Maccabiah venue and facility is secured; every Transit or Tour vehicle inspected before travel; every Maccabiah activity is pre-planned and governed by specific management, security, safety and medical Operational Orders. The IDF and Security Services maintain ongoing coordination and assistance throughout.

8.    SAFETY Qualified, licensed and experienced professionals staff Maccabiah SSMS Dept. Safety Unit to guarantee strict application of the highest Safety Standards possible, compliance with Law & Regulations, valid operating licenses of all scheduled (and alternative) Maccabiah sites & venues, including Safety, Health Ministry, and Fire & Rescue authorizations. Safety procedures during the Maccabiah include real-time inspections and corrective actions.

9.    MEDICAL response is organized at every Maccabiah hotel, venue and activity, appropriate to type of activity, number and identity of participants, and other considerations. Medical Response includes initial onsite treatment, evacuation to and treatment in authorized hospitals, in coordination with Delegations, who are responsible for contact with Athletes' families.

10.    ID TAGS Every Maccabiah participant wears an ID Tag bearing a unique number, facilitating entry to Maccabiah activities, events, meals, etc. It also displays Police and MDA (Magen David Adom) emergency numbers.

11.    TRANSIT system based on the Olympic Standard, designed to provide solutions for all Maccabiah ID Tag-wearers. Transit service provided for all Maccabiah activity – Ceremonies & Events, Sports training & competition, Leisure, Cultural & Educational activities, and of course, Tours.

a.    During Competition Days, the system operates as a Return Shuttle Service, at fixed times, corresponding to Sports in each Division.

b.    Transits run:

1    Between Hotels and Sports venues relevant to Athletes hosted at each Hotel, e.g. Rugby Teams Hotel to/from Rugby grounds for training & matches;

2    Between Hotels in the same city;

3    Jerusalem to/from Tel Aviv at set times, 4 per day, serving participants who want to spend free time in either city.

c.     Return Transits to Sports training and competition venues operate on a fixed schedule based on the Games Program. The schedule will be prominently displayed at all Hotels and competition venues. Prioritized for teams & players actually competing at scheduled times; any remaining seats are for participants attending as spectators.

d.    Carriage of unusual equipment that cannot fit into bus cargo holds, e.g. Bicycles: organized according to the Schedule for Cycling, Equestrian & Triathlon.  Carriage of unusual equipment outside Schedule: only by advance request and coordination.

e.     Only Maccabiah ID Tag-wearers can board Maccabiah transit vehicles.

12.   BEN GURION AIRPORT ARRIVAL Maccabiah Staff welcome all arriving participants at the Arrivals Hall baggage carousel; they help you with entry to Israel, baggage claim procedures, and direct you to the Bus Parking where Maccabiah Transit departs to your Hotel. After Pre-Camp and Israel Connect Program arrivals, Maccabiah BG Airport Service open throughout July 3-5, 2017

13.    HOTELS

a.    Participants will enjoy the warm welcome and friendly service of Hotels in Israel, and especially so for the Maccabiah. The quality and scope of service at each Hotel is appropriate to each Maccabiah Division; we trust our arrangements will guarantee a high-quality hosting experience, exceeding regular guest expectations.

b.    Athletes Room Assignments: Sole responsibility of Heads of Delegation, made during the EF3 (Entry Form #3) Process shortly before the Maccabiah begins.

c.    Early departure: Notify Maccabiah Village Manager in advance

d.     Hotel Check-In: All day on July 4, 2017

e.    Hotel Check-Out: by 11:00AM on July 18, 2017

f.    Delegations' Special Requests, e.g. additional rooms, Delegation Medical Team clinic: Provided at cost, based on room availability at the Hotel

g.     Participants must adhere to Codes of Conduct in Hotels, including their rooms, public areas, other hotel facilities, furnishings and equipment

h.     Participants leaving the Hotel for any reason must inform Maccabiah Village Staff as soon as possible

i.     Extras

1)    Only internal, no external calls from Hotel phones

2)    In most Hotels: Mini-bar not stocked. Participants (mainly Masters) hosted in Hotels with stocked mini-bars will be charged for use

3)    Room Service or any other Hotel pay-service: Participants are responsible for separate payment to the hotel

4)    Most Hotels provide Wi-Fi service in public areas, some also in rooms

5)    Laundry Services: Available in each Hotel at cost, or at nearby laundromats

6)    Swimming Pools at all Hotels, and some beachfront Hotels

j.    VILLAGE STAFF additional to regular Hotel Staff: Designated Maccabiah Village Team at each Hotel as the Maccabiah interface with participants hosted there; their mission is to ensure that you receive the proper level of Hotel service, and to help you in any way during your Maccabiah visit.

Maccabiah Village Helpdesk/Office at every Hotel, open all day to provide updated info (at the office or displayed on screens) about Events, cultural and leisure activities, and to access medical services.

k.    OPEN DIVISION HOTELS – selected for suitability to particular Types of Sport and Maccabiah Rules; 2 participants per room; more may be assigned in special cases, depending on physical conditions. No spouses/significant others/families of Open Athletes will be registered through MaccStar.

l.     MASTERS DIVISION HOTELS – suited to Type of Sport; 2 participants per room, more may be assigned in special cases, depending on physical conditions. MASTERS spouses/significant others/families: Register through MaccStar, at cost in accordance with the Official Tariff.

BUYING OUT option for MASTERS Athletes: Sports Only – no other Maccabiah Events. Masters exercising this option travel to Sports venues based on space if available in buses departing Hotels to the Sports venue relevant to Athletes hosted at that Hotel, or make their own way to the Sports venue.


a.     Kosher meals served in all settings, throughout the Maccabiah, under supervision of a dietician to ensure quality and freshness

b.     July 4, Maccabiah Hotels Opening Day: Only Dinner in the evening

c.    Water supplied daily to Athletes throughout the Maccabiah when departing Hotels for sports & other events. Bottled Water to Athletes' Rooms: At cost.

d.     Access to Maccabiah meals by Maccabiah swipe card or other method selected by the Organizing Committee. Collective catering for all participants at Events such as Opening /Closing Ceremonies.

e.    Tours Catering: Full-Day Tours: Participants Lunch in restaurants en route, and Dinner at their Hotels. Half-Day Tours: All meals at participants' Hotels.

f.    OPEN Hotels Full Board: Meals generally served in the Hotel, with exceptions in accordance with Competitions Map and field conditions, and as decided by Maccabiah HQ: Lunch will be served at some Sports venues

g.     MASTERS Hotels Half Board: Breakfast & Dinner; Shabbat: Breakfast & Lunch. In the event that a competition venue is shared with the OPEN athletes, Masters will have same meals provided to Open athletes; if Masters athletes return to their Hotels, they Lunch on their own account. OPTION for MASTERS to trade Hotel meals for restaurant meals will be considered.

15.    TELEPHONE & INTERNET Outgoing phone calls cannot be made from Hotel phones, only internal calls. Anyone who actually succeeds will be billed the full cost of the call(s) at Check-Out. All Hotels provide free Wi-Fi service in public areas, some also in rooms. Recommended: Buy Call minutes, SMS and Internet (3G) packages at discount rates or rent an Israeli device from 019 Company –an Official Maccabiah Partner.

16.    SPORTS:

a.     Training – Before the first Competition Day, athletes & teams will be afforded training facilities, either at venues where their competitions will be held, or at separate training venues. Allocation of athlete & team training slots is based on registering an early request with the Village Sports Coordinator at your hotel, and on training venue availability. During the Competition Days period, everything possible will be done to provide training time per Delegation requirements. Return transits to training venues are provided by the Maccabiah, but not sports training equipment, water, meals, or anything else.

b.    Competition – Fair Play and Codes of Conduct must be maintained at all times, on and off the field, as important as the aspiration to excellence and the desire to win. Sports Dept. ensures that all Competitions will be managed, adjudicated and refereed objectively and fairly, to benefit all participants in keeping with Maccabiah Values. Sports Competition Days take place July 4-16; complete Competition Schedule will be publicized in advance; all completion venues are authorized by the various Israeli Sports Associations, and all Sports follow ISC-approved Rules & Regulations (International Sports Committee).

c.     Sports Coordinators at Hotels throughout the day for liaison between Sports Tournament Managers and Delegations regarding all matters and issues

d.    Technical Meetings for all Sports before the first Competition Day, with Sports Organizers, ISC representatives and Tournament Managers

e.     Results & Stats appear in real time via App and on WWW.MACCABIAH.COM. Each Tournament begins with an opening ceremony, when players enter the field. Winners are announced at the end of competition, mount the podium, and are awarded their medals; national anthems will be played

f.    Competition Venue Manager at each venue for ongoing facility management, organizing transit, catering, and other logistics solutions. All resources required for competition including sports equipment, chilled mineral water, Medical Team, etc.

g.     All medical evacuations to hospital will be accompanied by an Israeli escort, and a Maccabiah representative will support the recovering patient throughout their hospitalization.


a.     Transits depart from Villages/Sports venues according to schedules enabling timely arrival for Ceremonies & Events, and return afterwards to Villages

b.     Dinner onsite is a program component at evening Events like Opening/Closing Ceremonies.

c.    Security Guards, Ushers, Stewards and Medical Teams at all Ceremonies & Events

d.     Ticket Info for Opening /Closing Ceremonies: WWW.MACCABIAH.COM Tickets tab; Buy Tickets tab: Stadium seating plan & price chart

Ticket Questions? Queries? Help? [email protected]

e.    Payment must be made for Ticket orders by April 30, 2017. We cannot hold Reserved Tickets beyond that date


July 4




July 5




July 6




July 12






July 13






July 17




Participants select Cultural Events and Half- or Full-Day Tours across Israel

a.     From June: Tours & Itineraries on WWW.MACCABIAH.COM; Info also in participants' kits, and on Hotel bulletin boards & other places participants frequent

b.     Early registration for Tours ensures tour guiding in your own language

c.    Tour Meals: Lunch at kosher restaurants pre-arranged by Tour organizers; breakfast and dinner at participants' hotels

d.     Adult participants are entitled to one full and one half-day Tour. Subject to seat-availability, Masters can include family members on some Tours.

e.    All Tours: Planned to the last detail, including security, safety and medical provision, and all Tours for Juniors meet exacting Education Ministry standards

19.    SHABBAT No training, competition or other event takes place, starting Friday mid-afternoon through nightfall on Saturday. Sabbath peace reigns over the Maccabiah: Athletes rest, enjoy a traditional Kabbalat Shabbat and festive Dinner at their Hotels on Friday night. Rabbis of the Tzohar organization arrange optional synagogue services; optional easy walking tours are available in the vicinity of Hotels; Kiddush before Shabbat lunch, before Havdala in the evening signals the start of a new week.

20.    ENCOUNTERS: Maccabiah 2017 offers participants opportunities to meet and socialize with peer groups of Israelis from all walks of life. Civic associations participate in local events in most cities where Hotels host Maccabiah athletes, and everyone – especially the grandmothers, it’s a Jewish State – wouldn't mind if their sons and daughters meet a nice boy and girl from the worldwide Jewish mishpacha.

21.    DISPERSAL PHASE July 17-18, 2017: All good things must end, and so too, the 20th Maccabiah. Transit to Ben Gurion Airport will be provided, Maccabiah Staff will accompany you into the Departures Hall and through the security screening and point you to your airline check-in counter, but that's where it ends: Maccabiah Staff cannot proceed beyond the security screening, so we say Shalom and Lehitra'ot! Until we meet again in the fellowship of Maccabi!


a.     HUB - Central meeting point for all Juniors, located in Haifa (next to Hotels)

Purpose: Meet all Junior Athletes needs during the day throughout the Maccabiah

Juniors arrive at HUB every morning after breakfast, depart from HUB to their respective Sports venues; Lunch served at Hub on all days, except Shabbat; from Hub they also depart for Tours, leisure activities and experiences. From 1:30 PM, Junior Athletes can board return transits from Hub to their villages, based on their competition schedules and coordinated with Maccabiah staff. HUB includes:

·    Info Center serving all participants throughout activity hours

·    Air-conditioned rest facilities

·    Closed and guarded storage area for their belongings

·    Toilets, and showers for after-Sports use (at the pool)

·    Clinic open throughout activity hours

·    Outstanding creative content facilities available throughout the Maccabiah to meet needs of participants outside the competition schedule.

b.     LEONARDO BEACH - designated Junior Maccabiah Mediterranean beach, where participants sea & sunbathe at preset times; transit from HUB also available. An area of this beach is reserved: Only for Maccabiah Participants, with seating, shade, popsicle, drinks (non-alcohol), and more. Maccabiah medical and rescue forces at Leonardo, mandatory obedience to lifeguards & stewards orders. Sea Swimming: Heads of Delegation Responsibility. Supervised Beach activities possible also on Shabbat.


1)    All athletes will arrive at the Hub and from there will be transported by shuttle at fixed times to the sports venues, (except for Nir Etzion, Eden Ein and Olga Beach hotels, for which the relevant sports branches are located to their south, and transport will depart from the hotels directly to the competition venue.)

2)    There will be transport from the hotel to the Hub up until 11:00 AM, and from the Hub back to the hotel from 01:30 PM.

d.     HOSTING

1)    Room assignment based on Delegations Registration

2)    3/4 per room, more in special cases, depending on physical conditions

3)    Assignment to Hosting base: Types of Sport & Maccabiah Assignment Rules

4)    Adult Escorts: 2 per room, and Single Rooms for Heads of 100+ participants (non-transferable benefit)

5)    Juniors permitted to exit Village only in groups – Sports/Tour/Delegation, or when accompanied by an Educational Counselor. Any other exit only by authorization of Head of Delegation and Junior Maccabiah Director


1)    Hosting Full Board (3 meals a day), including all Lunches served at HUB or sports venues, except Shabbat. Lunch served 11:30AM –3:30 PM

2)    Late Evening Snax – extra sandwich/ snack/ fruit/ stations at Villages. At eat onsite at some Ceremonies/Events/Juniors Parties/Beach Recreation.

3)    Heads of Delegation responsibility: Directing Junior Athletes to Lunch at Hub. Lunch will not be provided to Athletes who prefer to remain at their Hotels.

f.    TOURS

1)    Participants must register with Trip Coordinator at their Hotels and at HUB by the day before the scheduled Tour

2)    Each Junior is entitled to 2 Tours, and can cancel participation no later than 24 hours before the scheduled Tour

3)    Registration for a Full-Day Tour: No Lunch at Hub, but at restaurant en route

g.     EDUCATIONAL & CULTURAL ACTIVITIES expose Junior Athletes to a variety of Israeli and Jewish topics & issues, in various languages, all supervised 24/7 by our Social and Educational Counsellors. Junior Maccabiah is an unparalleled opportunity for Athletes to meet participants from all over the world, forge social ties and expand their international circle of friends and acquaintances through social activities that connect them with each other, the Jewish World and Israel.

Maccabiah Staff aim to ensure your complete satisfaction with our services

We wish you a totally great Maccabiah 2017!

Shalom & Lehitra'ot! Until we meet again at Maccabiah 2021!