Last update 29/06/16
- Organization
a. The Golf Committee of the 20th Maccabiah will be responsible for the Golf competitions of the 20th Maccabiah.
b. The Golf competitions will be conducted according to the Rules of Golf as approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and in accordance with the Local Rules approved by the Championship Committee.
c. Participation in the competition is open to any athlete who is in possession of a participant Card, issued by the Organizing Committee of the 20th Maccabiah, and has an official handicap of no higher than nine (Playing handicap Black tees) for the Male Open, fourteen (Playing handicap white tees) for the Ladies Open, twelve (Playing handicap Blue tees) for the Masters Male, eighteen(Playing handicap Green tees) for the Masters Female, sixteen(Playing handicap White tees) for the Grand Masters, twelve(Playing handicap White tees) for Juniors Boys and eighteen(Playing handicap Green tees) for Junior Girls.
d. Each country may enter one team only for each of the team events of the Golf competitions, except Israel, which may enter two teams (an A team and a B team).
e. Each Male's team may consist of a maximum of 8 players and a minimum of 4 players. Each Female's team may consist of a maximum of 5 players and a minimum of 3 players. Each Masters’ (Males and Females, 50+) team and Grand-Masters (Males 65+) may consist of a maximum of 5 players and a minimum of 3 players.
Each Junior Boys’ and Girls’ team (born 1999-2002) team may consist of a maximum of 5 players and a minimum of 3 players.
f. Countries, that cannot meet the minimum requirement of players to constitute a team, may enter for the individual events, which will run concurrently to the team events.
g. Countries, that meet the maximum number of players and wish to enter “reserve” players, may do so. These “reserve” players may participate in the individual competition. The maximum number of “reserve” players from each country for each competition will be as follows:
1) Males' Open competition may have 2 “reserve” players (except Israel that is permitted 6 “reserves” from its ‘guest’ team only).
2) Females' competition may have 1 “reserve” player.
3) Male Masters' Competition may have 1 “reserve” player.
4) Male Grand-Masters' Competition may have 1 “reserve” player.
5) Female Masters' Competition may have 1 “reserve” player.
6) Juniors Boys' competition may have 1 “reserve” player.
7) Juniors Girls' competition may have 1 “reserve” player.
h. In all individual Net events, golfers must submit proof of their Handicap Index certified by their country's golf Federation. If a golfer does not comply with this formality, he/she will be considered a scratch golfer (0 handicap) and his/her "net" results will be calculated, accordingly.
REMARK: All team substitutions must take place prior to the competitions. Once the competitions have started, the substitution of team players with “reserve” players will not be permitted.
REMARK: No golfer can participate in this event if he has participated in the Stable ford tournament.
- Venues and times
The Sport department of the 20th Maccabiah will determine the venues and times of the Golf competitions and players will be notified accordingly.
- Ball specifications
The ball the player uses shall be named on the Current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews.
- Limitation on Balls used during Round
During a stipulated round the balls a player uses must be the same brand and type as detailed by a single entry on the Current List of Conforming Golf Balls. Penalty for Breach of Condition – Stroke Play – Two (2) strokes for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round: Four (4) Strokes.
- System of competition
a. Males' Open
1) Team event:
Each team will consist of up to eight players whom will all (at least four in each round) play 72 holes at stroke play (from the Black tees) over four days. In each of the four rounds the best four gross scores (out of a maximum of eight) in each team will be aggregated and each team’s final score will be the total of these four aggregated rounds. The total will determine the winners of gold, silver and bronze in the team event.
2) Individual event:
Concurrently with the team event, the individuals who return the 4 lowest aggregate gross scores over the 72 holes (from the Black tees) will be the winners of Gold, Silver and Bronze in the individual gross event.
Concurrently with the team event, the individuals who return the lowest 4 Net scores over the 72 holes (from the Black tees) will be the winners of TROPHIES. If a player wins medal in gross event he is automatically not eligible to receive a medal in Net individual tournament.
b. Females' Open
1) Team event:
Each team will consist of up to five players whom will all (at least four in each round) play 54 holes (from White tees) at stroke play over three days. In each of the three rounds the best three gross scores (out of a maximum of five) in each team will be aggregated and each team’s final score will be the total of these three aggregated rounds.
2) Individual event:
Concurrently with the team event, the individuals who return the lowest 3 gross scores over the 54 holes will be the winners of Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Concurrently with the team event and taking into account the number of participants as stated above, the individuals who return the lowest 3 Net scores over the 54 holes will be the winners of Trophies. If a player wins medal in gross event he is automatically not eligible to receive a medal in Net individual tournament.
c. Males' Masters
1) Team event:
Each team will consist of up to five players whom will all (at least three in each round) play 72 holes at stroke (from the Blue tees) play over four days. In each of the four rounds the best three gross scores (out of a maximum of five) in each team will be aggregated and each team’s final score will be the total of these four aggregated rounds.
2) Individual event:
Concurrently with the team event, the individuals who return the lowest 3 gross scores over the 72 holes will be the winners of Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Concurrently with the team event individuals who return the lowest 3 Net scores over the 72 holes will be the winners of trophies. If a player wins medal in gross event he is automatically not eligible to receive a medal in Net individual tournament.
d. Males' Grand Masters (65+)
1) Team event:
Each team will consist of up to five players whom will all (at least three in each round) play 54 holes (from the White tees) at stroke play over three days. In each of the three rounds the best three gross scores (out of a maximum of five) in each team will be aggregated and each team’s final score will be the total of these four aggregated rounds.
2) Individual event:
Concurrently with the team event, the individuals who return the lowest 3 gross scores over the 54 holes will be the winners of Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Concurrently with the team event, the individuals who return the lowest 3 Net scores over the 54 holes will be the winners of trophies. If a player wins medal in gross event he is automatically not eligible to receive a medal in Net individual tournament.
e. Females' Masters
1) Team event:
Each team will consist of up to five players whom will all (at least three in each round) play 54 holes at stroke play (from the Green Tees) over three days. In each of the three rounds the best three gross scores (out of a maximum of five) in each team will be aggregated and each team’s final score will be the total of these three aggregated rounds.
2) Individual event:
Concurrently with the team event, the individual who returns the lowest gross score over the 54 holes, the individuals who return the lowest 3 gross scores over the 54 holes will be the winners of Gold, Silver and Bronze
Concurrently with the team event the individuals who return the lowest 3 Net scores over the 54 holes will be the winners of trophies. If a player wins medal in gross event he is automatically not eligible to receive a medal in Net individual tournament.
f. Junior Boys:
1) Team event:
Each team will consist of up to five players who will all (at least three in each round) play 72 holes at stroke play (from the Blue tees) over four days. In each of the three rounds the best three gross scores (out of a maximum of five) in each team will be aggregated and each team’s final score will be the total of four aggregated rounds.
2) Individual event:
Concurrently with the team event, the individuals who return the lowest 4 gross scores over the 72 holes will be the winners of Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Concurrently with the team event, the individuals who return the lowest 3 Net scores over the 72 holes will be the winners of trophies. If a player wins medal in gross event he is automatically not eligible to receive a medal in Net individual tournament.
g. Junior Girls:
1) Team event:
Each team will consist of up to five players who will all (at least 3 in each round) play 54 holes at stroke play (from the Green tees) over three days. In each of the three rounds the best three gross scores (out of a maximum of five) in each team will be aggregated and each team’s final score will be the total of three aggregated rounds.
2) Individual event:
Concurrently with the team event, the individuals who return the lowest 3 gross scores over the 54 holes will be the winners of Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Concurrently with the team event, the individuals who return the lowest 3 Net scores over the 54 holes will be the winners of trophies. If a player wins medal in gross event he is automatically not eligible to receive a medal in Net individual tournament.
- Ties:
a. Team Ties:
Males' Open Team Competition
For first, second, or third place a tie shall be broken by the aggregate total of the four lowest scores of the teams on the fourth and final round. If there still remains a tie then it will be broken by the aggregate total of the four lowest scores of the teams on the third day of competition and shall continue to the second and first day if necessary. Where the tie cannot be broken in this manner, the best fifth score of the team in the final round shall determine, and if there is still a tie the best fifth score of the team in the third round shall determine and so on backwards. If a team in the tie does not have a fifth (or sixth) player, the team without a fifth (sixth) player shall be declared the winner of the tie.
Females' Open Team Competition, Females' Senior Team Competition, Girls' Junior Team Competition, Males' Masters Team Competition, Males' Grand Masters Team Competition, Boys Juniors Team Competition
For first, second, or third place a tie shall be broken by the aggregate total of the three lowest scores of the teams in the final round. If there still remains a tie then it will be broken by the aggregate total of the three lowest scores of the teams in the penultimate round and shall continue backwards to earlier rounds if necessary. Where the tie cannot be broken in this manner, the best fourth score of the team in the final round shall determine, and if there is still a tie the best fifth score of the team in the penultimate rounds shall determine, and so on backwards. If a team in the tie does not have a fourth player, the team without a fourth player shall be declared the winner of the tie.
b. Individual Ties:
In all Gross individual categories for Gold, Silver or Bronze there will be a sudden death playoff to be played until the tie is resolved starting on the first hole and continuing in sequence on through the eighteenth hole if necessary. If there still remains a tie this process will repeat until a winner is determined.
In all Net individual categories for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophies the better sum of the last net 18 holes of the last day of play, if tie continues then the better net sum of the last 9 holes (holes 10-18). If tie continues, then the better net sum of the last 6 holes (holes 13-18). If tie, continues then the better net sum of the last 3 holes (holes 16-18). If tie, continues then the better net sum of the last 2 holes (holes 17-18). If tie continues then the better net sum of the last hole (hole 18). If there still remains a tie then tie breaking process will continue in same manner to the previous rounds going backward(2nd last day, etc…).
- Minimum Participation within all Categories in relation to prizes
All Team Categories:
All Categories Individual: If there are less than 8 participants in any category there will only be a gross individual event.
If there are only 3 participants there will only be Gold and Silver medals (Gross Score) in dispute and if there are 2 participants only Gold (Gross score).
- Suspension
Should a team be suspended or cease to play before the competition is completed, all scoring of such a team will be cancelled and become invalid.
Only Males and Females Masters are permitted to ride in power golf cars
Stableford Competition
- Organization
a. The Golf Committee of the 20th Maccabiah will be responsible for the Stableford Golf Handicap competition of the 20th Maccabiah.
b. The golf competitions will be conducted according to the rules of Golf as approved by The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and in accordance with the Local Rules of the Caesarea Golf Club.
c. Participation in the competition is open to any athlete who is in possession of a Participant Card, issued by the Organizing Committee of the 20th Maccabiah, registered the Golf competitions, is at the age of 18 or above on July 10th 2017, and has an Official handicap of no higher than 24 for males, and no higher than 32 for the females.
d. This special event for individuals is to be held over 54 holes, under handicap, and it will be required for the entrants to bring with them their official and valid club handicap cards.
e. Since the Stableford competition may overlap with other golf competitions any players registered for the Maccabiah golf competitions will not be permitted to participate in the Stableford competition.
- .Balls
Only balls named on the current Royal & Ancient list of conforming 1.68 inches (42.67mm) golf balls are allowed. Balls for practice will not be supplied.
- .System of competition
a. There will be separate males' and females' individual Stableford competitions, under handicap.
b. It will be a 54-hole event over 3 days, with the best 3 net Stableford scoring scores in both the females' and males' competitions to be awarded certificates and trophies.
c. In the event of a tie the players will be declared co-winners and, where applicable, places second and third will be eliminated.
d. The player is responsible for knowing the conditions under which the competition is to be played (Rules of Golf Regulations).
- Referees
a. The Referees’ Committee will appoint the referees of the competition.
b. The Golf Committee shall lay down the conditions under which the competition is to be played (reference rules of Golf), and no player, team or manager can insist on any changes.
c. In the absence of a referee the players will refer any dispute to the Golf Committee whose decision will be final (reference Rules of Golf).
- General
a. These Regulations are but one part of the complete 20th Maccabiah Regulations, and must be read along with the instructions found in "Basic Regulations and Disciplinary Procedures".
b. In the event of a discrepancy between the regulations written here and those appearing in the "Basic Regulations", the regulations written here will apply and be binding.
The Games