Lawn Bowls
Last update 28/07/16
- Organization
a. The Lawn Bowls Committee of the 20th Maccabiah will be responsible for the Lawn Bowls Competitions of the 20th Maccabiah.
b. The Lawn Bowls Competition will be conducted according to the Laws of the World Bowls Board, but subject to amendments as are considered necessary by the Lawn Bowls Committee.
c. Participation in the Competition is open to any athlete who is in possession of a Participant card, issued by the Organizing Committee of the 20th Maccabiah, and is registered for the Lawn Bowls competitions.
d. Each country may have 2 entries for any of the following events:
Male Female
1. Singles Singles
2. Pairs Pairs
3. Triples Triples
4. Rinks (4’s) Rinks (4’s)
5. Overall Overall
e. Each country can be represented by a maximum of 20 players, 10 males and 10 females. Where there are 2 sections, players cannot be transferred from one section to another, and a country cannot have more than one entry in each section.
Where a country enters 2 sides (side consists of the single player, pairs, trips and four teams – a total of 5 players), there can be no transfer of players from one side to another.
f. At least 48 hours prior to the first game of the “First Period”, the official representative, or team manager of each participating country will notify the Lawn Bowls Committee of the names of the individuals representing that country in the competitions. Amendments to such notification will only be made with the permission of the Lawn Bowls Committee, whose decision will be final.
g. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein stated or implied, no country will be entitled to nominate more than 2 players/teams to any of the events.
- Venues and times
a. The Sport Department of the 20th Maccabiah will determine the venues and times of the Lawn Bowls Competitions and competitors will be notified accordingly.
b. The Sport Department is authorized to change the venues and times of the Competitions. These decisions will be final.
- System of play
a. The Competitions will be played on a round-robin basis.
b. The winner of each match will score 2 points. One point will be awarded to each team in the event of a tie.
c. The winner of the Competition (or Section) will be the competitor scoring the highest aggregate of league points.
d. In the event of a tie in league points between two or more competitors (teams), the placing will be decided on the shot difference. Should there still be a tie, then the shot average will decide. Should teams still be tied then the winner of their game during the round robin will be declared the winner.
- The competitions
a. Singles will be 21 shots up (shots in excess of 21 will not count), 4 bowls each player alternately.
1) In the event of a Competitor failing to appear within a period of 15 minutes after the time of commencement of the match, league points and 21 shots will be forfeited to the opponent while he will receive the average shots of the losers of that round.
2) Should a competitor be unable to complete any game already commenced, the opponent shall be awarded the league points and 21 shots and the competitor shall be credited with his/her shots scored up to the time of withdrawal or the average shots of the losers of that round whichever shall be higher.
3) Should a competitor have to withdraw during the Tournament, the competitors place may be taken by a substitute in terms of clause 5. Should a singles player have to withdraw, his place will be taken by a member of his side and the latter’s place will be taken in terms of clause 5.
b. Pairs will play 18 ends, 4 bowls each player, played alternately.
c. Trips will play 18 ends, 3 bowls each player, played alternately.
d. Fours (Rinks) will play 18 ends, 2 bowls each player, played alternately.
Provided that Pairs, Trips and Fours may be of a lesser number of ends and Singles may be less shots up as authorized by the Lawn Bowls Committee.
Any such decision to curtail games will only be made on the grounds of climatic conditions, inclement weather, or shortage of time to complete the program, and must be made before the commencement of the game.
e. Overall. A calculation will be made using the format of each side being awarded points corresponding to the log positions in which they finish in each discipline. Additional bonus points (3, 2 & 1) will be awarded to those sides finishing in the top3 of each individual discipline. The overall Males and Females winners will be the sides accumulating the most points.
- Additional Players and Substitutes
a. In the event of a player of one side withdrawing due to illness, or failing to appear within 15 minutes from the commencement time of the match, the order of choice is as follow:
1) The manager/coach/captain may play.
2) A bowler from the home country.
3) Player drawn from the pool of reserves selected by the Lawn Bowls Committee (The player will be drawn before each game). This additional player will not be allowed to skip.
b. One substitute is allowed in pairs, trips and fours.
c. A substitute is not allowed to skip.
- Umpires
The umpires and markers will be nominated by the Umpires Committee of the LBAI and appointed by the Lawn Bowls Committee.
- Interpretation and decisions
The interpretation of these regulations and the Laws of the Sport of World Bowls will be made by the Lawn Bowls Committee.
- General
a. These regulations are but one part of the complete 20th Maccabiah Regulations, and must be read along with the instructions found in “Basic Regulations and Disciplinary Procedures”.
b. In the event of a discrepancy between the regulations written here and those appearing in the “Basic Regulations”, the regulations written here will apply and be binding.
The Games