Rhythmic Gymnastics
Last update 23/1/2017
1. Organization
a. The Gymnastics Committee of the 20th Maccabiah will be responsible for the Rhythmic Gymnastics competitions of the 20th Maccabiah, subject to the approval of the Sport Department.
b. The Rhythmic Gymnastics com petitions will be conducted according to the rules of the International Gymnastics Federation (F.I.G.), according to the new code of points, 2017-2020
c. Participation in the competition is open to any athlete who is in possession of a Participant Card, issued by the Organizing Committee of the 20th Maccabiah, and is registered for the Rhythmic Gymnastics competitions.
d. Each country may enter up to 4 competitors for the individual open competitions born 2001 and older and up to 4 competitors for the individual juniors (2002-2004) competitions.
- Venues and times
a. The Gymnastics Committee of the 20th Maccabiah will determine the venues and times of the Rhythmic Gymnastics competitions and teams will be notified accordingly.
b. The Gymnastics Committee is authorized to change the venues and times of the competitions. These decisions will be final.
c. The competitions will be held in a hall, according to the rules of the International Gymnastics Federation.
- Program of the competition
The all-round competition will include four free exercises :( senior/junior)
(1) Exercise with HOOP 1:15-1:30
(2) Exercise with BALL 1:15-1:30
(3) Exercise with CLUBS 1:15-1:30
(4) Exercise with RIBBON 1:15-1:30
- Music
According FIG rules
- System of competition
The competitions will be divided into two parts as follows:
a. Competition No. 1 will decide classification in the all round competition, according to the total number of points achieved in the 4 exercises.
b. Competition No. 3 finals: will be no more than 2 gymnasts from NF (as will be determined by the Organizing Committee according the total number of participants and level of gymnasts).
c. In both competition SENIOR/JUNIOR will be classification for team results if will be at least 4 NF.
d. Senior will present max .16 ex. And the best 12 ex. Will be the team score
e. Junior will present max .16 ex. And the best 12 ex. Will be the team score
- Classification
a. General individual classification will be decided upon according to the results obtained by each gymnast on all the apparatus together, in competition no. 1.
b. Individual classification on each apparatus will be decided upon according to the results of the Final.
7. Judges
The Gymnastics Committee will appoint a Judges’ Committee, which in turn will appoint the judges of the competition. Each country is invited to propose up to two (2) international judges F.I.G brevet, valid 2017-2020 the host country will complete judges according the no. of necessary judges.
8. General
a. These regulations are but one part of the complete 20th Maccabiah Regulations, and must be read along with the instructions found in "Basic Regulations and Disciplinary Procedures".
b. In the event of a discrepancy between the regulations written here and those appearing in the "Basic Regulations", the regulations written here will apply and be binding.
9. The Organizing Committee is Authorize to make changes in the competition format if necessary according the total number of participants and NF.
The Games