Last update 28/07/16
- Organization
a. The Rowing Committee of the 20th Maccabiah will be responsible for the Rowing competitions of the 20th Maccabiah.
b. The Rowing competitions will be conducted in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the International Rowing Federation F.I.S.A.
c. Participation in the regatta is open to any athlete who is in possession of a Participant Card, issued by the Organizing Committee of the 20th Maccabiah, and is registered for the Rowing competitions.
d. Rowing Events:
Males Females Masters (One age category 35+)
Single Sculls Single Sculls Single Sculls
Double Sculls Double Sculls Double Sculls
Pair (2- ) Pair (2- ) Pair (2- )
Four (4- ) Four (4- ) Four (4- )
Quadruple Sculls Quadruple Sculls Quadruple Sculls
* Note that mixed teams will not be permitted in any events.
e. Equipment
1) The inventory of boats in Israel is of high quality in sufficient number to satisfy the demands of all participants.
2) The participating countries in the rowing competition are requested to submit a list including the type and number of boats requested by them, specifying the weight of crew members.
3) The organizing committee of the rowing competition will issue a list of the boats allocated to each participating country, as per the submitted request, including full details of the boats: Type, manufacturer, year of production, designed weight of crew.
4) It is recommended that each participant will bring his own sculls/oars. Sculls/oars will be available upon request
5) The participating teams will be required to pay rental fees for covering the insurance and transportation expenses only before their 1st race:
Single: 50.00 NIS- per day
Doubles 100.00 NIS- per day
Fours 200.00 NIS- per day
Eights 400.00 NIS- per day
*including competition and training days.
- Venues and times
a. The venue will take place in Beit Yerach, Sea of Galilee.
b. The length of the course:
For males and females: 1500 meters
For Masters (male & female): 1000 meters
c. The competitions will take place in the early morning and late afternoon, in accordance with the decision of the Rowing Committee.
d. The Rowing Committee is authorized to change the venues and times of the Rowing events.
- System of competition – For Males and Females
a. The elimination shall be conducted by the "Double Knock Out" system. The heats will be based on "Head of the river".
b. The boats will race in couples, as per a preliminary draw.
c. The boat which has lost in two heats shall be eliminated.
d. The races will continue until the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are awarded
- System of Competition – For Masters
No elimination heats will be conducted. The boats will race in couples, as per a preliminary draw. The boat which has the best time will be the 1st, the second best time will be the 2nd and the third best time will be the 3rd.
- Umpires
a. The Umpires of the competition will be appointed by the Umpire Committee, which in turn will be selected by the Maccabiah Rowing Committee.
b. The Umpire Committee shall elect the President of the Jury.
c. The Board of the Jury shall consist of the President of the Jury and two other members of the Jury designated by the President of the Jury.
d. This Board shall decide on any protests made according to the rules.
- General
a. These “Rowing Regulations” are but one part of the complete 20th Maccabiah set of regulations, and must be read along with the instructions found in “Basic Rules and Regulations and Disciplinary Procedures”.
b. In the event of a discrepancy between the regulations written here and those appearing in the “Basic Rules and Regulations”, the regulations written here will apply and be binding.
The Games